Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Liberties Gone...

Where have our liberties gone when we can no longer vocalize our concerns in a civilized manner?
The public consistently states their opinion regarding House and Senate bills, let alone vetoes from the president, yet nothing is done in our respect.
We have gone to our representatives and our local government, yet have not gotten a straight answer.
Yet, we see in the news that NDAA 2012 and the DOT are promulgating 30,000 drones to fly in U.S. airspace by 2015 for the benefit of Department of Homeland  Security.
When we see the chaos in Greece, Egypt, Lybia, Syria, etc., and the spread to the rest of Europe,
we need to question how soon this economic downfall will challenge the U.S.
How soon will we be engaged in a war between Syria and Iran?  Only the media will tell us.
We have tried the vote to accomplish things, although minute.  This government does NOT want to listen to the people that gave them power in the first place.
It seems that the president is catering to the Arab Spring in the middle-East with known ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezzbolah, Al Quada, etc., yet will not recognize the liberties of U.S. citizens. 
I ask anyone to do their research on how many mosques in the U.S. have  been under investigation for "home grown" terror training centers.
I ask this after those centers are let go under "Freedom of Religion"as an accord to sharia laws.
Keep on your congressmen  and state reps....
Let them know that you ARE chipped off!
Vocal broadcasts will come out soon....

What if Mitt...

What if Mitt…

What if…Mitt Romney is NOT the candidate we want?

What if…his failed campaign over the past 20 years is no different than Obama’s?

What if…Mitt IS about the corporate greed and big government?  What do we do?

What if…Mitt DOES want a war with Iran to bolster his “economic machine”?

How, then, will we afford this country on a notion that he is different from our current president?  When our current GDP will now place second to our national debt caused by our current president’s reckless spending, how will Mitt respond?

How will Barack Hussein Obama respond? 

Yes, this is an election year and all the gloves seem to be off, however just because the American public is told [by mainstream media] that one candidate shines above the other, does NOT mean we have to settle for the status quo.

What if…I am wrong?

What if…the ideals of the candidate I and my family support does not win?


But, what if the candidate we support does what he says and changes the course of this country for the better?

Everything happens!

I thank Ron Paul for the inspiration of his “what if?” speech for the format of this posting.